Individuals & corporations can make unlimited tax deductible donations (beyond the tax credit) to ELF to support Arizona's best alternative private schools.
Three Types of Sponsorship
Sponsor the ELF General Fund. Donations directed to the ELF General Fund will generate updates and reports about ELF's general impact, with various student and school success stories.
Sponsor an ELF school after browsing from among our favorites or by specifying your own favorite. Donations directed to a particular school will generate updates and reports about your school's success.
Sponsor an ELF student. When ELF awards a scholarship from your donation, you will be the sponsor of that student and ELF will provide you with updates and reports about that student's success.
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ARS 43-1603(C) NOTICE
A school tuition organization cannot award, restrict or reserve scholarships solely on the basis of donor recommendation. A taxpayer may not claim a tax credit if the taxpayer agrees to swap donations with another taxpayer to benefit either taxpayer’s own dependent. |